Please read this instructions before watching the modules:
1. It would be best to watch each module in the order they are placed to have a transitional flow in your studies and not get confused. Once and only once you have watched them all, should you go back and rewatch the ones you do not fully understand.
2. The course completion counter only marks when you have watched through an entire module. PLEASE NOTE: YOU CAN WATCH THE MODULES AS MANY TIMES AS YOU LIKE. If and when you have completed all marks, it will show you have watched all the modules and completed the course. PLEASE NOTE: You will still have access to these modules with lifetime access whether completed or not.
3. Take your time and take good notes when watching these videos. This course provides great insight in the details of cusip enforcement.
4. Rush and you will make errors. Take your time and rewatch the modules as many times as you must to comprehend them completely.
5. At any time if you have problems with the modules, please email
Thank you and God Bless your studies.
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